Welcome to Hillside’s Fall ’24 Alignment Series

COURAGE – Your Path To A Blessed Life (Oct.6-Nov. 30). This spiritual adventure for our whole church family is based on the Book of Joshua. Understanding the principle of multiplied reinforcement to catapult spiritual growth in our lives, you’re strongly encouraged to make the most of this opportunity by prioritizing weekly worship (that’s your ‘row’); your Growth Group (that’s your ‘circle’), and spending time each day in a quiet time (that’s your ‘chair’).

Be assured that we’re in this together as a Hillside Family during this shared spiritual adventure. Each Sunday, our pastoral team will serve up the “appetizer” for the week. This is the Big Idea from Scripture that will propel us into the week. The “entrée” (main course) is your daily quiet time with the Lord. To assist you in this, make sure you scroll below to check out the daily Bible reading plan along with the guided questions we’re providing for you. Also, if you’re not familiar with what’s involved in a quiet time, no worries! There’s additional information below which will explain it to you. And finally, don’t miss out on the “dessert” – this is your time of fellowship and learning with others in your Growth Group. Your group time will feature more insights from the Book of Joshua from the teaching of well-respected pastor and author Louie Giglio.

We are grateful for your participation and expectant to see what God will do in and through us, as we intentionally seek Him through worship, Scripture engagement, and prayer this fall.

Brief Video Intro to the Book of Joshua

To get you started, you’re strongly encouraged to watch this 8-minute introduction to the Book of Joshua. This video produced by The Bible Project will help prepare you with a better understanding of this book in the Old Testament as you begin your daily readings.

Join Us On The Path To a Blessed Life

Practical Guidelines And Tips To Help You

As for your “chair” time each day, we want to encourage you to slow down, breathe, and prioritize this time set apart to focus on God and His Kingdom.  We can’t wait to see what God will do in this season of our church, our 50th anniversary year. As in Joshua’s day, we’re looking forward to all that God has for us as we launch Hillside’s next chapter this Fall on Vision Sunday, Oct. 20th. Our confidence is in the One who has faithfully led us in the past and we believe will continue to faithfully lead us into the future. Best days ahead!

Bible Reading Plan & ‘S.O.A.P.’
Each week from Monday-Friday, take 10-15 minutes to read a portion of the Book of Joshua listed below in the chapters for that week. We will be reading through the Joshua at the pace of 3 chapters per week over the next 8 weeks. In order to get the most out of your daily time in God’s Word, we recommend you use the “S.O.A.P.” method of Scripture engagement. This method is outlined below.

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him.

Daily Gratitude
Each day, we also encourage you take a few moments to reflect and write down two or three things that you are grateful for. A thankful person acknowledges God as the source of every provision and blessing. Gratitude produces deep, abiding joy because we know that God is working in us, even through times of difficulty.

“The way Jesus lived is a perfect model for the way we are called to live today. Jesus took time to savour the good gifts of life and to give thanks. When it comes to cultivating a heart of gratitude, it’s important to make this habit of thanksgiving a ritual.  A thanksgiving ritual can train our spirits to be grateful in all circumstances.” Ken Shigematsu

To keep your time with God fresh, personal, and engaging, we recommend you mix it up a bit by taking some intentional time on the weekend for personal reflection. Reflect on the questions below and then record some thoughts in a journal. Keep it simple. Your journal can be a notebook, on your computer, or the notes section on your cell phone. You can also use the weekend to catch up on any Bible reading you haven’t finished yet from this week’s reading.

As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?

What Is A Quiet Time?”

A quiet time can take many forms, but at its simplest it means stopping, pausing to pray, and being in a posture where you’re seeking to listen and hear from God. This unhurried time alone with God (“Be still and know that I am God” Ps. 46:10) can last a few minutes or for longer periods of time. Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:6 capture the essence of it: “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace”.

There is no fixed way to have a quiet time. Typically, it involves Bible reading, reflection, and prayer. Also, having a notebook or journal to write down thoughts and prayer requests is often very helpful. You can pray silently while sitting. Or, depending on your personality, you may find that praying out loud while walking is an engaging approach for you that helps you concentrate on God better. The key is not to be rushed, distracted, or ritualistic about it.

Helpful Quotes:

“If we don’t maintain a quiet time each day, it’s not really because we are too busy; it’s because we do not feel it is important enough… Late nights kill the quiet time… Quiet time is not just a helpful idea, it is absolutely necessary to spiritual growth.” George Sweeting

“Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man (person) is powerful on his knees.” Corrie ten Boom

A Few Memory Verses To Learn During This Fall Season

Memorizing Bible verses is a powerful way to sow God’s Word into our hearts and minds. When we do this, Scripture becomes an ongoing source of personal guidance and inspiration as we navigate the joys and challenges of life.

Josh. 1:8, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”.

Josh. 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Josh. 3:5, “Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”

Heb. 11:6, And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him”. (Hillside’s Vision Next Theme Verse)

Josh. 10:12-13, “On the day the Lord gave the Israelites victory over the Amorites, Joshua prayed to the Lord in front of all the people of Israel. He said, “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Aijalon.” 13 So the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place until the nation of Israel had defeated its enemies”.

Josh. 24:15, “But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

Bonus Opportunities to Deepen Your Faith This Fall

“Night of Worship” (Oct 9, 7pm)
This will be a meaningful time of extended worship through singing, reflection, gratitude, and prayer with our pastors. Parents, the event is suitable for children age 10 and up to attend with their parents. However, no childcare is provided for this event.

“24 Hours of Prayer and Fasting” on Vision Weekend (Oct 18th 9am to Oct 19th at 9am). Stayed tuned for a special Prayer Guide so you can engage in some extended personal “Chair” time at home, then join others for a prayer breakfast on Oct 19th at 9am – this takes place just prior to Vision Sunday on Oct 20th. Let’s earnestly seek God’s favour on our church’s future. Interested in joining us for the prayer breakfast for a time of fellowship, worship, and prayer with others? Please register HERE. The light continental breakfast is complimentary. However, signing up is important to help our team prepare. Thanks!

“First Wednesday” Prayer Luncheon with Staff on Nov 6th and Dec. 4th from 12-1pm. Each month throughout the year Hillsiders are invited to join the staff for a light complimentary lunch, followed by a time of worship and prayer. Interested in attending our next First Wedn. on Nov. 6th? REGISTER HERE. And what about Dec. 4th? REGISTER HERE. The light lunch is complimentary; however, signing up helps us prepare. Thanks!

Week 1 (Oct 7-13) Joshua chapters 1–3

During your daily reading and time with God, we recommend you use the acronym “S.O.A.P.” that is outlined below.

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him


SATURDAY | October 12
As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?

Week 2 (Oct 14-20) Joshua chapters 4–6

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him.


SATURDAY | October 19
As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?

Week 3 (Oct 21-27) Joshua chapters 7–9

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him.


SATURDAY | October 26
As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?

Week 4 (Oct 28-Nov 3) Joshua chapters 10–12

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him.


SATURDAY | October Nov 2
As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?

Week 5 (Nov 4-10) Joshua chapters 13–15

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him.


SATURDAY | November 9
As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?

Week 6 (Nov 11-17) Joshua chapters 16–18

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him.


SATURDAY | November 16
As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?

Week 7 (Nov 18-24) Joshua chapters 19–21

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him.


SATURDAY | November 23
As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?


Week 8 (Nov 25-Dec 1) Joshua chapters 22–24

Scripture: Read slowly and thoughtfully through the passage. Pick a verse or word that stood out to you and record it in your notepad/journal.

Observation:  Write some observations from these verses. What is this passage saying? What does it reveal about God? About people?  How is God revealed in this passage?

Application: Write a few sentences about how the verses apply to your life. Is there a truth about God that you want to focus on? Is there a promise to receive and thank God for? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do, or stop doing, in light of God’s truth?

Prayer: Write out or say a prayer in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him.


SATURDAY | November 30
As you reflect on the past week, spend time in silence asking these questions:
What stood out to me the most this week?
Is there a consistent theme I noticed?
How have I experienced God this week?
What have I been praying for and have I received an answer to any of these prayers?
Is there anything I should confess or bring before God?

Questions for reflection after Sunday’s service:
Hear: What is God saying to me?
Obey: What is He asking me to do?
When do I share this, and with whom?