Let's Get Started
We’re getting ready to launch Growth Groups again for fall. Our Growth Group Launch event takes place on Sunday, September 15 at 6:30pm. Before that – let us know if you’re interested in joining a Growth Group by filling out the form below.
Grow & Go
To help you grow & go, your group picks a topic in these categories:
Bible study and knowledge – dig into God’s Word together through the all-in series at Hillside the whole church uses the same Growth Group material for a few weeks in the fall.
WINTER - Spiritual Disciplines
Study one or multiple of the spiritual discipline and help one another deepen your practice of that/those spiritual rhythms. (e.g. fasting, prayer, solitude, simplicity, slowing, sabbath, lectio divina etc.)
SPRING - Missional Living
Study something together that helps you and your group grow in your love for your neighbour and sharing the Good News of Jesus in word & deed.
Make sure to sign-up to join a Growth Group this fall 2024! Sign up before September 29, 2024!
Want to know more?
Have more questions about Growth Groups?
Contact Chad Fletcher at chad@hillsidemoncton.org