50 years ago, three small, rural churches came together for one purpose and one goal – to honour God.  Our founding members, who we affectionately refer to as “the Spirit of ‘74”, inspire us as a fresh movement begins, and a new identity is embraced.

Together we have a calling to honour and please God as we activate our faith, setting out to do that which would be impossible without God. 

At Hillside, we look at all the “impossible” things God has already done and invite you to step into a new day by placing your faith in the living God. We’re setting out to please Him alone with a fresh, forward facing vision, and courageously PURSUE THE IMPOSSIBLE.


“…Without faith, it is impossible to please God.”  – Hebrews 11:6

Four Steps to Pursue the Impossible:

These really are steps, strategically placed so that one leads to the next. To skip a step would be a mistake – and might even cause us to slow down rather than accelerate!


Step 1: Expand Access for Greater Impact!
Our current reality is holding back the ministry… it’s limiting service times, causing people to drive away when they can’t find parking, and creating long delays after services.  Expanded parking and an added entrance can seem like a luxury if we don’t look below the surface and go a little deeper. 

This “expanded access” is not to appease the faithful – but to reach those who are disinterested and far from Christ.  We want to make getting in and out of this property easier – removing excuses from attending services and being ministered to.  We want to help more people be impacted by all that God is doing among us!

We currently have the opportunity to create a driveway onto Oak Ridge Drive, and we must seize this opportunity before it is gone and provide the needed parking to allow us to actually fill the current capacity of the facilities that have been entrusted to us.


Step 2: Embrace Newcomers for Outreach and Engagement!
Newcomers to Hillside and Newcomers to Canada… we’re surrounded by a culture and a community that need a relationship with Jesus.  God loves every one of them and so must we! 

God has brought hundreds of people to us already – from 40+ countries – many from Christian backgrounds who need ministered to, but many more have come to this city from all different religions, languages, and backgrounds.  There’s never been a better opportunity to fully reach thousands of people from down the road – and around the world – with the love of Jesus.

To better minister to those who are already here, and to reach out to those who do not yet know Christ, we believe the next step is to refresh and renew our staffing structure, revisiting both our individual and shared priorities and responsibilities, and call a Director of Multicultural Engagement to Hillside, so that we can better embrace all those who God is bringing our way!  This renewed structure and expanded staff will allow us to reach more people more fully than ever before – and with this will eventually come the NEED for a third service, allowing us to be tremendous stewards of the facilities and property that has been entrusted to us.


Step 3: Enlarge Spaces for expanding opportunities!
As Hillside continues to grow, we are planning to add a third service and a strategic, complete site plan utilizing every corner of the 19.5 acres that has been already entrusted to us.  We believe strongly that he who is “faithful with a little will be entrusted with much.” (Luke 16:10)

In our commitment to excellent stewardship, we recognize that our lobby presents a significant bottleneck to future growth. 

Every effort to further expand opportunities before addressing this limitation only compounds our current challenges.  There have been ministries and ideas inspired by God that we have had to regrettably set aside due to these constraints. 

We envision what others might deem ‘impossible’ because of cost: a large, welcoming, spacious lobby where people can experience hospitality, have real conversations, access resources, and engage in ministries daily, not just on Sundays. Currently occupying 2,300 square feet, our lobby holds the potential to transform into a 6,000 square-foot hub for ministry.


Step 4:  Elevate Possibilities for more ministry and hope than ever before!
There is no end to what could be!  In the same way as our founding members could never have imagined what would be happening here 50 years later, we don’t want to limit God, but are excited to partner with Him in doing just exactly what it is He would want to do!  We believe that expanded facilities will be needed, that someday we may need to step into the multi-site realm, we’re convinced that even more services can be added, we know we must make way for more children and youth to be ministered to, for counselling services to be increased, for our food service support space to move to the same floor as most of food events take place, new meeting rooms and fresh expressions of ministry ideas that, until now – seemed IMPOSSIBLE.  As we elevate the possibilities, we know that it will result in, not just more ministry here at home, but on the mission field as well… as we consider further partnerships with CBM and El Salvador – because reaching more people more fully, will allow us the people and resources to reach EVEN more people more fully!

Frequently Asked Questions

“Why was the theme “Pursue the Impossible” chosen?

Hillside celebrated its 50th Anniversary year. As we’ve taken the time to look back and reflect on the incredible story God has been writing in our church over the past five decades, there’s been a real sense that truly with God “all things are possible”. From the coming together of three rural churches, modelling what has become known as “the Spirit of ‘74”, to the many bold steps, risks, and sacrifices Hillsiders have taken in subsequent eras along the way, what has been accomplished is truly beyond what could have ever been imagined. The growth, impacts, and countless changed lives are a powerful testimony to what happens when God’s people act in faith and trust Him for greater things.  Inspired by this history of bold faith, it’s now our opportunity some 50 years later to be part of an even greater legacy in 2024. As our theme verse says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). Ultimately, as we pursue the impossible, our desire is to please and honour God by seeking to be faithful as a church for the next 50 years and beyond – all for His glory!

“What’s the latest on the parking lot expansion?”



DOWNLOAD – FAQ- Parking Expansion Proposal Aug 25, 2024


First, in case you missed it, see the attached FAQs that were shared prior to our special congregational meeting about the parking lot expansion on Aug. 25th. Also, be sure to check out a recent drone video as the plan unfolds.

Beyond this, here’s the latest. The excavation work is well underway and we’re on target to have this aspect of the work completed, as planned, later in fall 2024. This is a big win, as it will immediately “Expand Access” to the ministries and message of hope we have as we increase our parking capacity, while providing a much-needed private driveway at the rear of our property with secured access onto Oak Ridge Drive. This entrance will be gated and only opened for church services or special events.

Please remember that this aspect of the work costs approximately $400,000, which will need to be added to our existing mortgage because we don’t have the funds to do this urgently needed work. The total cost to complete the parking project, which includes the paving, will be close to $1M. We are required to complete the paving sometime in the next year. Many have asked about how they can contribute to this cost, and we certainly appreciate this! Here’s how:

  1. You can give anytime to our Building Fund or the “PURSUE THE IMPOSSIBLE” fund. The money designated toward this fund goes toward our mortgage and, thus, helps to pay off the parking addition.
  2. Give generously to our year end Christmas Offering. Every dollar received over the first $100K will go towards the parking expansion. (Note: the first 100K is already part of the 2024 financial plan to honour all of our ministry commitments locally and globally with our partners).
  3. In spring 2025, we will be launching a special Generosity Initiative to strategically resource the “Pursue the Impossible” vision. Whatever amount is remaining from the parking expansion will be included within the overall scope of the Generosity Initiative.
“What more can you share about the Director of Multicultural Engagement position?”

Our church has always proactively invested in key ministry priorities and thankfully, God has, in turn, always blessed. Over the years, this has included strategically investing in children, youth and family ministries; worship; care; technology; and growth groups. We believe the same will be happen this time, as we generously invest in this fast-growing area of our ministry with newcomers to Canada. What a blessing it’s been to welcome so many people representing over more than 45 countries who are, moving into our area, and finding a home among our Hillside family! We’ve quickly become a multi-cultural church in recent years. Amazing! By investing in this new full-time position, we believe it’s a very important next step in connecting with more newcomers in our city, finding ways to bless and engage them, and further enhancing what it means to be a multi-cultural church. We know there’s still much more for us to learn in this regard.

We are very pleased to report that God has led our leadership to someone who has accepted a calling to this position. Stay tuned! Our new Director of Multicultural Engagement will be introduced to our church on Oct. 27th as part of our “International Sunday”. Then, the new Director will officially begin on Jan. 5th, 2025.

The vision for the position is best summarized in this One Sentence Job Description:

           “Overseeing Hillside’s ministry to newcomers and their families, the Director of Multicultural Engagement provides strategic input and expertise to further enhance the overall effectiveness of our existing ministries while creating new opportunities that will meaningfully engage more newcomers in our growing and diverse city within the diverse church”. 

And the purpose for this leadership role is further explained in the Position Summary:

          “The Director of Multicultural Engagement will provide visionary leadership to the various ministries that are explicitly for or include Newcomers.  The Director will be asked to give input to existing ministries with the intent to improve Hillside’s ministries, advocate for newcomers, and begin focused outreach initiatives that will engage and integrate more newcomers within our growing church family”.

“Why prioritize a significant lobby expansion as an immediate priority?”

As a warm friendly growing church with a strong invitational culture, an urgent need exists to address our over-crowded lobby. Now, more than ever, providing spaces for meaningful connection with others especially in our lonely, fragmented world matters. Unfortunately, our lobby is simply too small and too limiting to accommodate our current reality let alone our vision to better connect, resource, and engage our growing Hillside family. It should also be noted that we live in Canada not in California or Florida where its much warmer and conducive for people to mingle and chat outdoors in a courtyard many months of the year. We simply don’t have that luxury here with our colder climate where it’s snows and can be colder at least 6 months of the year. To address this lid, we have an exciting vision to significantly expand our lobby and see this space become the “Hub of Community Life” at Hillside.

Frankly, our current space is a lid to current and future ministry possibilities. In fact, it’s an area people are often avoiding after services because of the overcrowding. This is so unfortunate! It’s also a very limiting factor when offering special events like conferences, banquets, larger Sundays at Christmas and Easter, VBS, Walk with Jesus, and a host of other opportunities when more spacious centralized space in the lobby would be so helpful. A larger, thoughtfully designed lobby would result in the following:

  • improved traffic flow, guest services and registration areas
  • enhanced coffee and food services
  • increased gathering spaces 7 days/week for individuals, families, and groups to chat with others in a more relaxed setting
  • bolstered volunteer engagement for Serve Expos and ministry displays for us as well as ministry guests
  • expanded video viewing options of our Sunday services

Ultimately, lobby space is not simply a place for people to connect. It’s a space that through its ambiance, furnishings, signage, and overall vibe, communicates what’s unique about Hillside’s culture. As a welcoming, seven day per week church that has a heart for people and strengthening community, this is an essential next step for us.

Looking back, some who remember Hillside’s “2020 Vision” will recall that once the new auditorium was completed and opened in March 2016, there was a plan to expand the lobby sometime after. Unfortunately, the global pandemic significantly slowed us down for almost three years. However, now is the time to complete what is unfinished. Creating this new space is still incredibly relevant to our church’s culture and vision as a welcoming place where more and more people are calling Hillside home.

“As we keep growing, what about expanding the auditorium?”

For the past 50 years, Hillside has continued to find ways to make room for more. By increasing our parking lot and lobby space, plus balancing our two services this Fall, we’re taking some very intentional steps to keep our ministry moving forward. So, if we’re committed to keep making room for more, why not consider expanding the auditorium? That’s a great question!

The answer is that yes, we’ve certainly considered it; however, we have concluded, for several important reasons, that our current auditorium size (capacity 600 people) is truly an ideal size for our context. The room size has a warmth and welcome to it; it’s an engaging place for speakers and for worship. Plus, it’s a multi-purpose facility, which means the room can be flipped for special events, conferences, and banquets. The bottom line is this: our current auditorium is truly serving us well, is an ideal size, and the cost to expand it would be fairly exorbitant and not the best use of our financial resources. The vision going forward, therefore, would be NOT to expand the auditorium but, instead, to eventually add more service times, as the Lord so leads and the need demands. This decision means we avoid taking on the very significant financial cost of further expansion to this area of our facility. Adding a third service requires us to think outside the box and never lose our missional heart to reach out to others who matter to God and should matter to us.

“What’s involved in launching a 3rd service?”

Once we’re ready to announce the start date for the 3rd service (likely in late 2025/early 2026), we will seek to inspire a missional group of 150 Hillsiders who will partner with our staff for 1 year. This missional group will be the faithful attendees and core volunteers who will help us succeed in solidifying this new service to reach, bless, and disciple more people in our city. The vision for adding a 3rd identical service would be to provide the same experience as well as full programming from Birth-Grade 12, ensuring the new service is appealing for people to attend.

As we know, it takes teamwork to make the dreamwork. The service time for the new service hasn’t been determined yet. However, it’s anticipated that it will be on Sunday not Saturday. The criteria for determining the service time are that it’s ideally an optimal time that will grow and also be sustainable for our staff and volunteers.

Adding a new service provides more opportunities for people to serve and get involved; and it also provides another opportunity to reach more people. Similar to our existing two services, we will be looking to enlist volunteers for guest services, worship, production, children’s and youth ministries for the third service.

Big picture, we can see the day when we could be offering three or four services. This concept may seem new and different but, as in the past, we need to be willing to innovate and think outside the box. We’re living at a time when providing more options is appealing in reaching out to more people in our 24/7 economy. Also, through our research and connections with other church leaders, there are many wonderful examples of churches in North America who are having great success with this approach.

“What about multi-site – is that part of Hillside’s future?”

Maybe, but not as an immediate priority. We have a strong conviction that God is calling us to focus on being good stewards of what has already been entrusted to us and maximizing the current property by further developing our main site first; then, multi-site later. Why? Because we are living in the fastest growing ward in the one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. We have tremendous opportunities right around us, so let’s not get distracted from what God is powerfully favouring. However, having said that, multi-site is certainly something our leadership is very open to and will be prayerfully exploring in the years ahead. It’s something we’ve been discussing and researching and will continue to do so. We’re very aware that going multi-site isn’t easy and, in fact, it takes a lot of time, attention, and resources to do it well. If and when  we’re ready to pursue it, we want to make sure that we launch to succeed not struggle and fail. So, choosing the right timing and ensuring it’s adequately resourced will be key factors as we prayerfully look to the future.

“Are there any aspects of our previous Beyond Our Walls Vision 2023 that will continue?”

Yes, absolutely! A genuine vision to bless others beyond our walls isn’t simply our previous vision, it’s become a vital part of who we are and who we’re still striving to be. Soon after launching our previous Beyond our Walls (BOWs) vision in 2019, the pandemic took place. This understandably resulted in many pivots and adjustments to our vision. Thankfully, we navigated this very challenging season and still managed to move forward on several key objectives within the BOWs vision. However, in many ways we’re still just getting started.

Big picture, we will continue to keep building upon the solid foundation of the 3 pillars in the BOWs vision. We will never stop being a church who is FOR families, FOR community, and FOR the world around us.

Looking ahead, therefore, we plan to continually invest in and further enhance these 3 objectives in practical visionary ways. This is all part of the “Elevated Possibilities” as we Pursue the Impossible together and prepare for more ministry than ever before.

FOR Families: realizing the tremendous challenges and pressures on families today, we are more determined than ever to be a church that “fights for families” (Neh. 4:14). This means providing more tools, events, and resources, including mental health resources, that will intentionally build stronger marriages and equip parents and grandparents; deepening our commitment through expanded strategies, resources, and opportunities to raise up the next generation of children, youth, and young adults who will truly know and serve the Lord.

FOR Community: realizing the epidemic of loneliness and growing isolation in our culture, we will seek to deepen our authentic sense of community and relational connectedness with others. This makes sense because ‘here, we’re all family’ and Jesus said “your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13:35). Therefore, in addition to building an expanded lobby and food services which will become a “Hub of Community Life” and investing in a growing and expanded ministry with internationals, we will be providing more Nights of Worship, more discipleship and Growth Group training, Alpha courses, special events, and an ever-deepening culture of prayer as ways to deepen our sense of community while also intentionally growing stronger followers of Jesus.

FOR the World: now that our Love Moncton team and our new global partnership in El Salvador have been established, we will continue to build upon these growing initiatives to strengthen our missional partnerships locally and globally. Going forward, we envision annual mission trips, annual Global Kids Sundays, bi-annual missionally focused Sundays, increased serve opportunities locally, and an allocation of at least 10% (a tithe) of our annual budget to bless beyond our walls. Also, we are committed to giving 10% (a tithe) of our upcoming Generosity Initiative to bless our missional partners both locally and globally. The first 50K of this 10% tithe will be designated to provide a much-needed 24 seat passenger vehicle to bless our partners in El Salvador. This is a top strategic need for them that’s been on their wish list for many years and wouldn’t be attainable without our generosity. Beyond these missional commitments, we will continue to bolster our use of technology (leveraging our online broadcast and other digital strategies) to further expand the kingdom by sharing the good news and making disciples in our region and beyond.

Finally, as a people of generosity, it’s important to realize that there’s a significant amount of funds that are given by Hillsiders every year that’s not included within our budget yet represents a sizable amount of generosity. The point? We are a very generous church – more than people often realize. This includes gifts given to local and global partners through individuals as well as our various ladies groups and growth groups; special offerings to invest in students serving at Christian camps every summer; money raised for mission trips; annual Christmas sponsorship; meals through our Care team; hosting the annual Teen Challenge banquets; the hundreds of global kids that are sponsored; plus, so much more! It’s our desire to continually deepen our culture of generosity as God so leads in the years ahead. As Jesus said, “To whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48).

“As our church welcomes more people through our doors and eventually adds a third service, don’t we risk losing our sense of community?”

Change is always inevitable with growth, however, maintaining the status quo is simply not an option especially when we remember God’s missional heart for the lost, the least, and the overlooked. Imagine if our founders back in 1974 had the attitude of not wanting to make room for more and weren’t willing to leave what was comfortable for something that was new? Or back in the mid 90s, when we added a second service, which meant that it wasn’t possible to for everyone to know everyone because people were attending different services? Or when we built a larger auditorium in 2016 and welcomed more people than ever into our growing Hillside family? The reality is this: it’s a myth that you need to know everyone; but you do need to know someone. That’s why, like the early church, we’re committed to keep growing larger and smaller at the same time. Our heartbeat is to encourage every Hillsider to join a team (serve opportunity) and join a group (Growth Group). By getting connected with others on a volunteer team and in a growth group, it’s a great way to build meaningful community with others.

By the way, regarding relationships, research indicate that the average person can only really maintain relationships with about 150 meaningful contacts (Dunbar’s Number). And from there, a series of smaller concentric circles which narrows to a smaller circle of family and close friends (less than 15). This again affirms that you don’t need to know everybody, but to flourish, you do need to know somebody. That’s why teams and groups are so important in a growing church. Also, we value the warm friendly culture of our church which is unique and something we intend to protect. Our desire is to continue to be the most loving, encouraging, and caring place we can be. In fact, it’s because our church is so authentically friendly and welcoming that people are wanting to come and be a part of what’s happening.

Let’s also never forget that as a Great Commission church there are almost 200,000 people in the Greater Moncton area and the vast majority of them (80-90%) do not have a meaningful connection to a community of faith. Each number has a name and represents a son, daughter, friend, neighbour, colleague, classmate, or grandchild who matters to God and therefore matters to us. Given this significant spiritual need, how can we not respond with an even greater desire to share the Good news of God’s love with others in our city? As the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:14, “The love of Christ compels us”. Don’t forget, too, that the early church was essentially a mega church from Day 1 (Acts 2:42-47) when 3,000 people became believers. Like the early church, we’re remaining biblical by seeking to grow larger AND smaller at the same time.

“What will be involved in the upcoming Generosity Initiative – can you explain further?”

As we Pursue The Impossible in the days ahead, each of the four steps presented will require financial resources and commitment.  We can take as many steps and do so as fast as the Lord provides resources and funds through you, the Legacy ‘24 family here at Hillside.

“What can I do to make sure this exciting vision becomes a reality?”

First, you can identify as part of the Legacy 2024 family and begin to pray that in God’s perfect timing, His people will release the required resources needed for each step.  You can pray about your part in the Generosity initiative being introduced next year, and even begin giving now by designating your donation to the “Building Fund” or the “Pursue the Impossible” fund.

“What is Legacy ’24?”

In the same way as we often identify the founding members of Hillside as the “Spirit of ‘74” from our beginning in 1974, we have an opportunity to mark a new day in our church’s continued movement forward into a new day. As we celebrated 50 years and looked at all that has happened in this anniversary year, we acknowledged that God is not done!  As we enter into the next 50 years, we cannot become part of that ’74 group, but we will boldly “Pursue The Impossible” in this new day as a body of believers who can now begin to identify as the Legacy ‘24 family.  We believe we will someday look back on this “Impossible” vision and be able to look at one another and know that God used us to be part of this new day, even as those who are part of the Spirit of ’74 were used to get us to this day.


  1. Pray for more people to say YES to Jesus and His purpose for their lives because we set out to Pursue the Impossible!
  2. Pray to believe for the “impossible” as we activate our faith in an effort to please God with who we are and all we do!
  3. Pray for God to show me how I can trust Him in my giving toward the Pursue The Impossible Generosity Initiative that is being planned for 2025.

Have Questions? Thoughts to Share?

Send an email now to info@hillsidemoncton.org